Thursday, September 16, 2010

Rilla - before and after

We have received many e-mails and pics of Q- and R-pups and will be posting them really soon. Our trip to Michigan field trials has caused a big delay in our posting but we should be catching up in the next few days.

Below are three pictures of Rilla - before and after a grooming session with Sherry Ruggieri. What a difference! Thanks Stan for the fantastic pics. And congratulations on Rilla's first "real" deer. Stan wrote a week ago: "Rilla had two "finds" yesterday--both my sons filled their antlerless tags, and we let Rilla "find" them. It was fun, she did VERY well, and was only a little bit intimidated by the sight of her first whole deer."

1 comment:

Stan said...

That's my girl!
Big-time thanks to Sherry for the grooming lesson--we have been trying to keep her trimmed up--so far, so good!
She had her third deer last Tuesday; I actually did not locate this deer ahead of time, but was 99.9% percent sure it was dead not far away, so we let her lead us to it--a great confidence builder for her.