Sunday, March 29, 2009

update on Keena - Sunday

Sunday 8 am
No puppies yet. Keena has not had anything to eat in the last 20 hours. From 12 am to 1 am she was very uncomfortable, was nesting and throwing up a lot, and it looked like we were going to have puppies last night. I stayed up with her as she did not want to be alone. But then she got quiet, and the rest of the night was uneventful. She is calm and quiet now resting in the whelping box.

Sunday 11:30 pm
So far things are going really, really well. The first puppy arrived at 8:10 pm, and it was huge at 13.4 oz. Right now we have 6 puppies - 3 females and 3 males. But Keena is not done yet. I'll post a more detailed report tomorrow.

1 comment:

Maribeth said...

How exciting!
Good luck!!!